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(Posing for a photo with Baka children in the forest)




  • Anthropology
  • Area studies
  • African studies
  • Cross-cultural studies

(Email: houketu(at)gmail.com)
Other HP: click here


Tattoo, Hunter-gatherers, African studies, Pygmies, Body decoration, Aesthetics, Adolescence, Identity, Phenomenology (or philosophy?) ...


PhD Thesis (under application)
An Anthropological Study on the Tattoo Practice among the Baka Hunter-Gatherers in Southeastern Cameroon


  • 生態人類学会 (2011.3 ~)
  • 日本アフリカ学会 (2011.12 ~)
  • International Society of Ethnobiology (2012.5 ~)
  • International Society for Hunter Gatherer Research (2013.6 ~)
  • International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (2015.12 ~)
  • 日本文化人類学会 (2016.1 ~)


  • April 2010 Enrolled at ASAFAS (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
  • Aug. ~ Dec. 2010(20 weeks)

My first travel to Africa, had gone to Ndongo and Song, two villages located in the tropical rainforest of southeastern Cameroon. Had my first fieldwork on body modification of the Baka Pygmies: their tattoo, piercing, brand, and teeth sharpening.

  • Jul. ~ Dec. 2011 (22 weeks)

Had done the works on collecting data, over 1100 individuals, about the Baka's body modifications in wide area for one month, over the East Province of Cameroon. Then had spent about 3 months fieldwork in Song village, to observing the learning behaviors of the Baka.

  • Aug. ~ Nov. 2013(9 weeks in the field)

Had gone to Lomie, Song, and Gribe villages for fieldwork, to collect data about body decoration and mobility of the Baka, and continued data collecting of learning behaviors among the Baka.

  • Oct. 2013

Had planed and held an international workshop in Yaounde, Cameroon, as the head of organizing committee. "Human Body in Social Change: Practice of Modification and Medicine". Sponsored by Kyoto University, collaborated with faculties and graduate students of the Department of Anthropology, University of Yaounde 1.(院生発案共同研究'Human Body in Social Change: Practice of Modification and Medicine'(2013年度)/ 申請代表者)

  • Aug. ~ Sep. 2014(6 weeks in the field)

Had done the field research on injury, cure, medicine, scars of the Baka, at Lomie and Song villages.



  • 彭宇潔.2012.「ピグミー系狩猟採集民バカの身体装飾の伝承と伝播――身体加工に注目して」.博士予備論文(修士号学位論文相当).京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科.
  • PENG Yujie. (In press). 'Transmission of Body Decoration among the Baka Hunter-Gatherers'. Social Learning and Innovation in Contemporary Hunter-Gatherers: Evolutionary and Ethnographic Perspectives. Hideaki Terashima, Barry S. Hewlett eds. Springer.
  • PENG Yujie. (forthcoming). 'The Evidence of Proximity: Tattoo Practices of the Baka in Southeastern Cameroon'. Hunter Gatherer Research. 2016, issue 1.


  • 彭宇潔. 2011.「平成22年度派遣報告書」.『若手研究者インターナショナルトレーニングプログラム現地研修報告書』.若手研究者インターナショナルトレーニングプログラム.京都大学.PDF
  • 彭宇潔.2012.「ピグミー系狩猟採集民バカの身体装飾に関する学習」.『「交替劇」(ネアンデルタールとサピエンス交替劇の真相:学習能力の進化に基づく実証的研究)研究項目A02班「狩猟採集民の調査に基づくヒトの学習行動の実証的研究」研究報告書No.2』.神戸学院大学人文学部.pp103-110. PDF
  • PENG Yujie, NAGAOKA Kei, HATA Reiko. 2014. Human Body in Social Change: Practice of Modification and Medicine. 2013 Report for Research Collaboration and Management Support Course for International Research Output Training. Kyoto University. March. ISBN:978-4-905518-06-8. PDF
  • 彭宇潔. 2014.「身体装飾と移動から見た文化の革新―10代〜20代前半のバカ・ピグミーに注目して―」.『「交替劇」(ネアンデルタールとサピエンス交替劇の真相:学習能力の進化に基づく実証的研究)研究項目A02班「狩猟採集民の調査に基づくヒトの学習行動の実証的研究」研究報告書No.4』.神戸学院大学人文学部,145-148.3月.PDF
  • Sonoda,K.,Peng,Y.,Sekino,A.,Yanohara,Y.,Sekiguchi,K.,Hagino,I.,and Oishi,T.2015.Book Review: Hunter-Gatherers of the Congo Basin:Cultures, Histories, and Biology of African Pygmies. New Bruswick:Transaction Publishers. Hunter Gatherer Research 1(2):269-276.



  • PENG Yujie. 2011. Documentary Videos of Learning the Language of the Baka Hunter-Gatherers. New Horizon of the Interdisciplinary Approaches to Asian and African Area Studies. Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall. Kyoto University, December.


  • PENG Yujie. 2012. 'Continuity of Plant Utilization of Body Adornment among the Baka Hunter-Gatherers'. 2nd Workshop for Emerging Ethnobiologists. Gates de Briandes France. May.
  • PENG Yujie. 2014. 'Rethinking ambivalent relationship between African hunter-gatherers and farmers: focusing on their body decoration'. African Studies meet Asian Studies" Second Asian Conference on African Studies. Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Kyoto, Japan. May.
  • PENG Yujie. 2015. 'The evidence of proximity: Tattoo practices in the fluid life among the Baka in southeastern Cameroon'. 11th Conference of Hunting and Gathering Societies. Vienne, Austria. September.


  • PENG Yujie. 2013. 'How do the Baka pygmies share the style of body modification'. 10th Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies. Liverpool, United of Kingdom. June.
  • PENG Yujie. 2013. 'Changing Body modification among the Baka Hunter-Gatherers'. Study Meeting with Doctoral Students from Japan & Cameroon (Anthropology): <Human Body in Social Change: Practice of Modification and Medicine >. Yaounde, Cameroon. October.
  • PENG Yujie. 2013. 'Continuity and Diffusion of Body Modification among the Baka Hunter-Gatherers'. 56th ASA (African Studies Association) Annual Meeting:"Mobility, Migration and Flows". Baltimore, US. November.
  • PENG Yujie. 2014. 'The Passion of Fashion and Moving: The Transmission of Body Decoration among the Baka Hunter-Gatherers'. IUAES2014 with JASCA. Chiba, Japan. May.
  • PENG Yujie. 2015. 'La scarificatoin corporelle comme moyen de connexion chez les chasseurs-cueilleurs Baka du Sud-Est du Cameroun' (Connecting by Scarring Bodies: Scarification Culture among the Baka Hunter-Gatherers in Southeastern Cameroon). Colloque International IMAGES TATOUEES. Musee du Quai branly, Paris, France. 12-13 Feb.



  • 彭宇潔. 2012.「ピグミー系狩猟採集民バカの身体装飾の継承――身体加工に注目して」.日本アフリカ学会第49回学術大会.於 国立民族博物館 大阪.5月.


  • 彭宇潔. 2012.「バカ・ピグミーの身体装飾に関する学習――身体加工を中心に」.新学術領域研究「交替劇」A02班2011年度第3回班会議・共同研究会.於  グリーンヒルホテル明石  兵庫県明石市.3月.
  • PENG Yujie. 2014. 'Transmission of Body Decoration among the Baka Hunter-Gatherers'. Workshop for Springer A02 Book (Social Learning and Innovation in contemporary Hunter-Gatherers: Evolutionary and Ethnographic Perspectives). Kobe Gakuin University, Kobe, Japan. March.
  • 彭宇潔.2016.「女性のファッション(nyanga na wose):狩猟採集民バカのイレズミ実践」. 研究会『装い/社会/身体ーフィールドワーカーによる通文化比較研究』. 於 東京外国語大学AA研. Jan. 10th.


Reviewer Experiences

Edited by PENG, June 2016