:研究テーマ: 新たなビジネス展開の場としてのアフリカ―チャイナショップの中国人経営者に着目して :調査地(国、地域): ボツワナ共和国、ナミビア共和国 :関心のある分野: Chinese merchants in Botswana, China- Africa relations, South-South Relationship, Globalization from below, work ethics, cross-culture business :研究内容(これまでと現在): :略歴: 2011年4月 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科アフリカ地域研究専攻 入学 :業績: *【学術雑誌等に発表した論文・エッセイ】 *日本語(Non- peer reviewed Japanese papers) **Yanyin ZI.『[「地域研究のためのフィールド活用型現地語教育」平成22年度派遣報告書|http://www.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/itp/achievements/pdf/report2011_zi.pdf] 』独立行政法人日本学術振興会若手研究者インターナショナル・トレーニング・プログラム (ITP). 、2011. **Yanyin ZI. [「世界一大きな卵絵」|http://www.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/mm/2012_07.html]、『アジア・アフリカ地域研究情報マガジンメルマガ写真館II 〜フィールドで出会う』2012. *英語査読あり(Peer reviewed English Papers) **Yanyin ZI (2015). UNRAVELLING THE ‘FONGKONG’ PHENOMENON IN BOTSWANA THROUGH ANALYZING THE RELATIONSHIP AMONG MASS MEDIA, GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES AND LOCAL VOICES. Special Issue of Psychologia 57-4. (on press) **Yanyin ZI (2015). The Challenges for Chinese Merchants in Botswana: A Middleman Minority Perspective. Journal of Chinese Overseas. Vol 11 No 1. (on press) **Yanyin ZI (2013). Factors influencing business frictions between Chinese merchants and their local workers in Botswana. [Report of Research Collaboration & Management Support Course For International Research Output Training: Social Transition and Its Impact on Southern Africa|http://www.iasu.kyoto-u.ac.jp/international/graduate/year2013/1686-2/]. Edited by Antonie Chigeda & Yanyin ZI. ISBN: 978-4-905518-09-9 p16-22, 2013. (non-peer reviewed)  *ツワナ語Setswana (non-peer reviewed) **Yanyin ZI (2011). [On-Site Education of Practical language for Area Studies Report in 2011|http://www.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/itp/achievements/pdf/report2011_zi_en.pdf]. International Training Program (ITP) on Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. ,2011 *【学位論文 (Master’s thesis)】 **Yanyin ZI (2011). Coping with Friction in a Saturated Market: A Case of China Shop in Botswana. Predoctoral thesis (Master’s thesis), Kyoto University, February 2011. *【学術雑誌等又は商業誌における解説、総説(査読なし)】 **シ ゲンギン「ナミビアの中国人」水野一晴・永原陽子編『ナミビアを知るための53章』明石書店 エリアスタディーズシリーズ、2015年(発行予定) *【国際会議における発表】 *ポスター発表Poster Presentation (non-peer reviewed) **Yanyin ZI. Chinese merchandise transportation system in Botswana. International Meeting on Austronesian Languages and Cultures: Communication Between Linguists and Ecologists, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University, Japan, (March 15, 2013). *口頭発表Oral Presentation (peer reviewed) **Yanyin ZI (2013). Coping with Friction in a Saturated Market: A Case of China Shop in Botswana. ISSCO(International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas)& Institute of Chinese Studies, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (August17-18, 2013).  **Yanyin ZI (2013). Factors influencing business frictions between Chinese merchants and their local workers in Botswana. Research Collaboration & Management Support Course For International Research Output Training: Social Transition and Its Impact on Southern Africa, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University, (January17, 2013). **Yanyin ZI (2014). The Mobility of China Shop in Botswana: A Double-Edged Sword for Surviving Business. 1st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AFRICA-ASIA DEVELOPMENT UNIVERSITY NETWORK - AFRICA’S ASIAN OPTIONS, Africa-Asia Development University Network (AADUN) and the Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (March11-13, 2014)  *【国内学会・シンポジウム等における発表(non-peer reviewed)】 *写真展Photo Exhibition **Yanyin ZI (2011). [New Horizon of the Interdisciplinary Approaches to Asian and African Area| Studieshttps://www.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/itp/symposium/pdf/sympo_program.pdf ], Kyoto University, December 2011.(Setswana)  *ポスター発表Poster Presentation **Yanyin ZI (2014). Live as a Chinese Merchant in Africa: A Case of Botswana “African Studies meet Asian Studies" Second Asian Conference on African Studies. Organized by Japan Association for African Studies. Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University, Japan (May 2014). :調査歴: *2011.9-2012.1 (5ヶ月)ボツワナ *2013.9-2013.11 (3 ヶ月) ボツワナ、ナミビア *2014.9-2014.11 (3 ヶ月) ボツワナ、ナミビア