{{linkimage http://jambo.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/CameroonFS/wiki.cgi?action=ATTACH&page=%BB%B3%C6%E2%C2%C0%CF%BA&file=Yamauchi%2Ejpg,w:300}}{{br}} !Name: Dr. Taro Yamauchi !Affiliation: Associete Professor, Laboratory of Human Ecology (Smile Lab), Graduate School of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University, Japan !Fields of interest and research subjects: (1) Human Ecology: (Nutritional and behavioral adaptations of small scale human populations, such as hunter-gatherers, traditional farmers and fishermen, and city dwellers) (2) Biological anthropology (Exploring desirable nutritional requirements, physical activity and body size from an evolutionary perspective) (3) Human biology of daily life: Obesity (considering a wide range of contexts including children in Asian cities, the Tonga and Sumo wrestlers), Body composition (from Pygmy hunter-gatherers to Sumo wrestlers), Growth (modeling growth using cross cultural samples) and ageing (addressing the stamina, health, and QOL of the elderly living in isolated islands due to depopulation), Physical Activity, Fitness (estimations of energy expenditure by means of monitoring heat rates and acceleration of motion) (4) The Basic Human Needs (BHN) of local societies and local people”Ēs Quality of Life (including the impact of developmental projects bringing external capital to traditional societies and the influence of intertribal conflicts). (5) Lifestyle and health of people with disabilities, especially those with intellectual disabilities.