{{linkimage http://jambo.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/CameroonFS/wiki.cgi?action=ATTACH&page=%BB%CD%CA%FD%E4%C0&file=shikata4%2Ejpg,h:300}}{{br}} My friends /2004/in Mindoulou/ ¡ÈWe all went water gathering!!¡ÉThey help out their mums, look after brothers, and also love getting into mischief!? All of them are my (Shikata¡Çs) precious friends. (Photo: Shikata) {{linkimage http://jambo.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/CameroonFS/wiki.cgi?action=ATTACH&page=%BB%CD%CA%FD%E4%C0&file=shikata3%2Ejpg,H:300}}{{br}} I love honey! /2005/ in Molongo/The thing which the boy has his mouth full of is his favorite -- honey. A mouthful of bees wax, yummy and happy! (Photo: Shikata) {{linkimage http://jambo.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/CameroonFS/wiki.cgi?action=ATTACH&page=%BF%B9%A4%CE%BB%D2%B6%A1%A4%BF%A4%C1&file=3hayashi%2Ejpg,h:300}}{{br}} Soon after his birth, several parts of his body were scratched to rub a medicine made of charcoal in. This is one of charms used in the Baka Pygmies community to pray for a baby¡Çs healthy growth. By the way, this boy¡Çs name is Hayashi. (Photo: Hayashi) {{linkimage http://jambo.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/CameroonFS/wiki.cgi?action=ATTACH&page=%BF%B9%A4%CE%BB%D2%B6%A1%A4%BF%A4%C1&file=4hayashi%2Ejpg,w:300}}{{br}} A Baka Pygmy boy (his name is ¡ÈSato,¡É named after by Prof. Sato). As he had a rash over his entire body, a medicine made of charcoal from bark was rubbed into his whole body. (Photo: Hayashi) {{linkimage http://jambo.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/CameroonFS/wiki.cgi?action=ATTACH&page=%BF%B9%A4%CE%BB%D2%B6%A1%A4%BF%A4%C1&file=5inai%2Ejpg,w:300}}{{br}} Children help their family very well. (Photo: Inai) {{linkimage http://jambo.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/CameroonFS/wiki.cgi?action=ATTACH&page=%BF%B9%A4%CE%BB%D2%B6%A1%A4%BF%A4%C1&file=6hattori%2Ejpg,w:300}}{{br}} A Baka Pygmy boy, who is lifting up fish his father caught with a big smile. (Photo: Hattori) {{linkimage http://jambo.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/CameroonFS/wiki.cgi?action=ATTACH&page=%CB%CC%C0%BE%B8%F9%B0%EC&file=slide5%2Ejpg,h:300}}{{br}} A Baka boy who is writing letters on the blackboard and his teacher. (Photo: Kitanishi) {{linkimage http://jambo.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/CameroonFS/wiki.cgi?action=ATTACH&page=%C2%E7%C0%D0%B9%E2%C5%B5&file=Oishi3%2Ejpg,h:300}}{{br}} In the middle of finishing piling up the gathered peanuts in a circle and drying them in the field, during the season for gathering peanuts. A Bakwele boy is standing inside of the circle. (Photo: Oishi) {{linkimage http://jambo.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/CameroonFS/wiki.cgi?action=ATTACH&page=%BF%B9%A4%CE%BB%D2%B6%A1%A4%BF%A4%C1&file=%A5%A8%A5%EF%A5%EF%A4%C8%A5%A2%A5%DD%A5%ED%2Ejpg,w:300}}{{br}} A Baka Pygmy girl, Ewawa and an amaryllidaceous flower called Apollo. (Photo: Oishi)